
Fatimah Loren Dreier, Kaiser Permanente Center for Gun Violence Research and Education

Fatimah Loren Dreier, the executive director of the Kaiser Permanente Center for Gun Violence Research and Education, shares why the efforts of grantees and others across health care, research, and community violence intervention fields give us reason to feel hopeful as we seek to end the public health crisis of firearm violence. A nationally recognized expert in health equity, gun violence prevention, and trauma-informed care delivery, Dreier leads the Center’s work to support equity-centered gun violence research; educate the public on causes and solutions; and partner with the most impacted communities to innovate, implement, and scale evidence-based, health-focused interventions that prevent gun violence. 


Dr. Angelina Ruffin, Kaiser Permanente Center for Gun Violence Research and Education


"Addressing Gun Violence Through Equitable Research and Collaboration" Panel